The Little Red Book

Random thoughts from my little red book of poems, prose and art.


Pill of Tears

“If I could catch my tears…
Put them in a pill for you to take…
Maybe then you would understand.”

I pulled out an old sketchbook / notebook from the early 2000s. There are only a few pages used. The last page with something on it has this sketch. Back when I was struggling with depression, anxiety, a very stressful career, a failing marriage and my own identity.

This is only one of many such sketches and doodles I have done over the years since I was very young. There is some poetry and just expressive writing on previous pages to this sketch. All of it is deeply emotional. I found art was never enough. Writing and playing my guitar were all part of the bigger picture of me attempting to deal with my innermost feelings and thoughts. Something I wish my exe could have understood. But she was dealing with her own trauma. Between the two of us there was more going on inside of our heads than our relationship could possible survive.

Sketch art done in pointalist style of person with head hung low and hand held out below their face as if to catch a tear.

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